Discovering Your Self-Worth Through Scripture

By Morgan Moser It feels like it was a few months ago that I hopped out of my mom’s car one late summer morning and started walking into an unfamiliar school building that would be my new school for the next four years. A blink and a half later, I am sitting at home. A …

A Funeral and a Wedding – What I Learned from 2020

Erin Brewer On the last day of the year, I may have scrolled through the 32,000 *yes, that number is ridiculous* photos on my iPhone to post a memorable one from each month of the year. Instagram sucked me in once again. Between my posts and my friends – I found that 2020 was especially …

New Year’s Options as Nudges for 2021

Well, it’s here. 2021. It doesn’t feel much different. I’m currently sitting in a hotel room, masks are required in the lobbies, and the amenities are limited. Yet, something about this new year is especially hopeful – a longing for drastic change, for normalcy, for spark and innovation. I hope these will help inspire you …

Small Gift Saturday: Freedom in the New Identity

My hands move so fast I don’t even realize what they are doing- building ice castles that melt into puddles, scavenging for materials to hide the shame, enslaving themselves to endless work. The idealistic outcomes and lies drive me forward, a little girl chasing the wind like a fool. I escape under the covers, hoping …

5 Ways to Grow Your Faith

“True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God’s fidelity to His promises.” -Francis Chan I am a firm believer that everyone should always be growing in something; for me, it’s my faith. While I also try to be intentional about growing in other areas, my faith is by far the …

Italy part VI

Living as Light I just wanted to update y’all with how I’m doing and share one thing I’m learning. Since the University of Bologna has 100,000 students, I’m absolutely burdened when I go to class and know that because <1% of Bologna is evangelical Christian, the chance that any of my peers here have heard …

Myself, Defined

I love New Years- it’s something about the glitter, the date changing from one year to the next, and being surrounded by people I love. On the eve of January 1, 2014, I was in Washington, DC at a Campus Outreach Conference that brought together ~750 college students from all over the East coast. We …

Free to Fail

When I was studying abroad in Italy, so many friends and family members constantly checked in on me. Inevitably, their top question was always, “How’s your Italian?!” I would think of my social interactions with my roommates and say, “Yes, in fact I did talk to them about 7th Heaven” (they absolutely loved 7th Heaven, …

Connecting Cotton to Christ | A Book Review: Picking Cotton

In July 1984, Jennifer Thompson, at the time a student at Elon College, was victim to a brutal sexual assault. After her house was broken into and she was raped at gunpoint, Jennifer escaped. Picking Cotton is the memoir that covers this case, and also the story behind how Ronald Cotton was victim to mistaken identity, set …