5 Questions on Nursing, EBF, and Registry Items

Postpartum life with my 6 Month Old I’ve been getting a lot of questions from my friends who are about to have little kiddos in Bank’s grade!!! I’m so excited for them and here are the main questions I’m getting – Q: Could you share the link with me for the ceres chill bottle warmer/chiller …

When in Rome, bring your 2 month old

So many people have asked about our Italy 2023 (Sep 18 – Oct 13) Itinerary! When we found out I was pregnant, we started joking about how that is the most leave I’d get to be able to go back to my favorite place, Italy, and show Blake around. Then the joking turned into looking …

An Act of Desperation – Castor Oil

The past week has been a whirlwind! We are still adjusting to life with Banks and the JOY [and blowouts] that he brings us!  There is so much to share but I have had a lot of questions about the castor oil concoction I used before going into labor! I did talk to my doctor …

Two Questions to Change Your Mind on 2021

Erin Brewer In my 2020 reflections – I shared that before anything else changes with Covid or our lives as we know it – we should grab a journal and answer these two questions:  What was core to my happiness in 2020? Yes, even during a pandemic. Where have there been opportunities and blessings that weren’t …

The 5 Most Important Lessons that 2020 taught me

I rang in 2020 from Jackson, Wyoming, and was excited to be stepping into the new year with new goals, ambitions, and expectations. Little did I know that my world, and everyone else’s, would soon be turned upside down. After getting back home to North Carolina, life was normal for a while. I started a …

Small Gift Saturday: Freedom in the New Identity

My hands move so fast I don’t even realize what they are doing- building ice castles that melt into puddles, scavenging for materials to hide the shame, enslaving themselves to endless work. The idealistic outcomes and lies drive me forward, a little girl chasing the wind like a fool. I escape under the covers, hoping …

Small Gift Saturday: 75 Things I Was (and Still Am) Thankful For

Flipping through my old journal, I found an extensive list of people, experiences, organizations, and aspects of my life that I was grateful for in 2013. 75 small gifts. As I re-read these glimpses into my life from 7 years ago, I was once again reminded of how thankful I am that these 75 things …