Well, it’s here. 2021. It doesn’t feel much different. I’m currently sitting in a hotel room, masks are required in the lobbies, and the amenities are limited. Yet, something about this new year is especially hopeful – a longing for drastic change, for normalcy, for spark and innovation. I hope these will help inspire you to keep a running list of goals you have for this year.

How I Created my New Year’s Options

Instead of resolutions, I’m doing “options” for this year. These options are things I want to do but (as you’ll read) I’m holding all things loosely. I formed these with a running list on my phone, and then I naturally saw trends emerge (now the categories). These emerged because they are actually my core values. Once I categorized, I was able to really draw out more goals and dreams (it’s ok to dream, people!). Then I think about things that would be good for me, for others, or for my community. 

Erin’s 2021 options


  1. Pray for more patience and selflessness – in life and in our marriage
  2. Read through the Bible in a year with Blake
  3. Finish both of Trillia Newbell’s bible studies
  4. Pray for doors to open to be a blessing – at home, in marriage, with our home and the things we have – for all the vendors I work with or all the guests that will come to our wedding, or the people I see doing the small things in life. 

Need some inspiration? Keep reading “5 Ways to Grow Your Faith”


  1. Host our wedding part 2?! Or let it roll – whatever happens happens.
  2. Stay at the Greystone Inn at Lake Toxaway for our honeymoon. 

Peeping Bae’s new wedding ring! He’s taken!


  1. Move every single day – break it down to monthly challenges, commit to go on a walk every night after dinner with Blake, foam roll and core on the lazy days while I watch TV
  2. Make healthy choices – it might be a salad one day, vegetable chicken soup the next, saving 1 sweet for dessert only (and if I eat it for breakfast… decaf tea with splenda for dessert later!) I don’t like having to restrictive of a mentality but for January I will be doing dry January just to kind of reset – my family drinks a lottttt of wine when we are together.,


  1. Go support our friends on a trip! We normally cheer them on during their football season – but however it comes, just find a way in whatever way to support a group of friends. 
  2. Be open and intentional with guests who are over for the weekend


  1. Look for opportunities at work and complete 1 fellowship and 1 peer group with funders
  2. Launch Gems graciously – celebrating everyone and the community around me. Take opportunities to share my hope and my joy with others here. 

Skills to Explore (inner Enneagram 7!)

  1. how to use my air fryer, 
  2. How to use my instantpot before it blows up, 
  3. Learn how people day trade
  4. launching my website and art projects. 
  5. Go through my pile of craft projects I’ve swarn I can take on