Flipping through my old journal, I found an extensive list of people, experiences, organizations, and aspects of my life that I was grateful for in 2013. 75 small gifts. As I re-read these glimpses into my life from 7 years ago, I was once again reminded of how thankful I am that these 75 things not only shaped my 2013, but also my 2019: the person I am today. What are you thankful for today? Take time to deepen your gratitude and reflect on all the small gifts in your life that are worth celebrating.
1) “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:24-25, ESV)
2) Delliness. Family, and no one else fully getting it.
3) Monday Night Dgroup, 10x better than Monday Night Football. Wittle Deb Lee, Phraquey Stiles, and Stephanie Lynn I love you.
4) Being a true-blue Tarheel.
5) MapMyRun app encouraging me to complete more 3 mile runs.
6) The Summit Church – Chapel Hill Campus: the place of worship filled with loving leaders, vols, and community.
7) Steph Key’s leadership, love, and outpouring in my life. Golly.
8) Taking a modern dance class with Zack. #sowedance
9) Hanna Siler. Best friends since age 3; everything I do with you is a delight.
10) Tea Time at the O.Henry, a great Christmas tradition with the lovely ladies in HPS13, est. in 2007.
11) Flowers: Sunflowers, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Paddle leaves.
12) Shooting Stars and my back porch in Summerfield.
13) Summer Orlando Project: life changing summer no matter what role you are in.
14) Cypress Bakery Twins: Andrew Wooten and Abigail Sams. Y’all helped me pursue joy this summer.
15) Silliness leading to Spontaneity. That is where adventure is.
16) Dad’s spirit that is still here and shines when I am bold, selfless, cheer on the Buckeyes, and am generous. Oh, you are missed.
17) Teal Leaders being teal-mates: Deb, Anna, Jesse, Gage, J [Teal] D. And the team in its entirety.
18) Working at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and SeaWorld the past two summers with my friends.
19) Butterbeer butterscotch topping.
20) My Lifeproof case for the iphone 5, which I recommend for all who get sidetracked into spontaneous endeavors and are forgetful of an expensive mini computer in your hand.
21) Coming home from school and hanging out with John, Ben, Pat, and other 336 kidz.
22) Dance Marathon benefit nights at Players, which I’ve been attending for the past two years. So raunchy, yet so alive.
23) PJ Hairston making an appearance at the aforementioned Dance Marathon benefit night.
24) The first Delli wedding! Leigh and Chris Brogdon loving each other and hosting a wyld weekend that brought family together from all over the States.
25) Praying through Scripture with Kelli Quinn.
26) Life: I admire the mystery of how it all works.
27) Prayer. I am amazed and humbled that I have a relationship and am heard by the creator of the universe.
28) Glitter. Sparkles, shines, reflects light, brightens things, makes you inspect a little further.
29) Christmas in Charleston! Trishy, fam, 75 degrees, Sullivan’s Island, King St, and great food.
30) Living with Allie Clark. Leading me in conversation, grace, love, understanding and patience.
31) Everyone who has supported me with love, encouragement, and prayers as I prepare for Italy
32) Teaching reading and literature to Tyler, a blind high schooler who would read aloud with his braille book. The most humbling experience this past semester at the UNC Hospital School.
33) UNC black onyx class ring. I love that I have pride in my school but don’t worship it.
34) Books. The smell of the old leather that makes the cover and the smell in the spine.
35) Kate Freeman Strickler and facetime.
36) Christa Key. Long-lasting love that allows us pick up from where we left off.
37) Having so many coats that I love.
38) God’s provision and answered prayers: unemployed receiving jobs, peace in trials, friends making lordship decisions like coming to church or receiving Christ as Savior.
39) Kiki becoming a Christian.
40) Unexplainable love I had for my suitemates in Craige, the freshman dorm I lived in.
41) Making dad’s Christmas Day turnover with Leigh and getting it right! (but not perfect like dad).
42) Chapel Hill being beautiful in all ways, always.
43) Tripp. I can’t help but laugh when I type that. Your sarcasm, leadership, honesty, driving for 8.5 hours to Orlando. Ah.
44) The opportunity to go live in Bologna, Italy for 5.5 months!
45) Learning the Italian language in 5 semesters and hopefully coming back fluent.
46) The students at UNIBO that I will meet. I don’t know you yet, but I love you.
47) “Overwhelmed” by Hank Murphy feat. E.V. Hill “God at His Best” sermon.
48) My Cats!!! Kimmy Cat, Cool Cat, and Ali Cat. I tried to foresee what my disciples would be like and y’all surpassed that in everyway. The Lord surprised me and put my imagination to shame (Hab 1:5).
49) Singleness. Being free and honest; happy and okay.
50) Moby Dick and the brokenness found in Ahab.
51) 12 Years A Slave. Sad, shaking, and realistic portrayal of slavery.
52) Hillsong United Concert in Greensboro, NC. A night of worship, Australian accents, friendship, stars, angels and cook out.
53) “Oceans” > deserving of its own shout out.
54) Campus Outreach staff living out Romans 12:1-2 in a certain way that helps teach me about Jesus and equip me to be a labor on a college campus. Whether you’re in the office, on the campus, or on mission, I thank God for you.
55) “Zurberts” on Katie Nuccio. I want to be crazy with you everyday.
56) Realizing that light is only effective in the darkness. GO.
57) Being thankful for every brick that is building my life, brick by brick, and denouncing the theory that only the big moments with fireworks should be savored.
58) Chik-Fil-A being closed on Sundays. It’s a hard fact to face, but I respect it, salute you with Prim’s 3 fingers, and will wait.
59) Starbucks. Because of the gold card you gave me but also because what happens there. I’m normally studying, with friends, getting in the word, or enjoying a nice drink. Love that.
60) Emily Harper’s presence on campus. It is refreshing, funny, and caring.
61) Spencer. I always learn something from you, even if you are saying something silly- and that is a great quality.
62) The freedom in not having to try harder, only trust deeper.
63) Meaghan Nalley; a solid woman-crush throughout the years and my future roommate. It’s kinda creepy when I put those two concepts together, so I’ll stop… after this post.
64) Wi-fi, apple, and apps making communication obnoxiously easy while I’m away.
65) Mercy Hill, Greensboro, NC. Great gospel-centered church plant at home.
66) Picking up any and every coin on the ground and believing dad throws them down.
67) The Design Lab and the giant Macs.
68) The bushels of rosemary outside Carroll Hall, one of my favorite stops at UNC.
69) Painting. The mixing of beautiful colors and how it only points to God’s marvelousness.
70) Speaking in absolutions and hyperbole: “I must see you”, “he is the best”, “Queen Bey is the only woman i care about”.
71) Going to YoPo with friends.
72) Returning to the Celebration Suites and the FunSpot with Gage and John a year after living in that area of Orlando.
73) Harry Potter wands and Twilight posters of RPatz.
74) Bow ties and argyle, a signature for men of Chapel Hill.
75) Faith in God’s Sovereignty and his dominion over all.
Can you tell us more about this? I’d like to find out more details.